Thankfully Thrifted Thursday-Martini Glasses

My roommate and I have started a tradition, Martini Monday!

On our first night we didn’t actually have martini glasses and it really just wasn’t all that charming.

So what do two single girls do who have no martini glasses? They go thrifting!

We decided we didn’t want matching ones, there isn’t really anything in our apartment that matches and we like it that way.

These are the glasses that we found.


It’s the Eiffel Tower! It’s just tacky enough and we love it!


It has just a touch of blue, which I love!

So there you have it, we found ourselves some extra classy martini glasses! Love!

Now for what I’m thankful for this week 🙂

I am thankful for simple, calm moments.

I am thankful for friends who have a heart to serve.

I am thankful for a wonderful house that I love to come home to.

I am thankful for a chance to express my creativity.

I am thankful for the ridiculousness of life (like my roommate and I doing the same scared dance when we realized the bat still lives on our deck).



Thankful Thursdays

I came across a blog called A Complete Waste of Makeup (great name right!) today and she has a link up party called It’s Ok to be Thankful Thursdays.

I was instantly in love with this idea because to be honest today I was struggling through this day.  I was really tired and maybe border-line grumpy, I needed a pick me up and this idea was perfect!

This may become a regular feature here, wouldn’t that be great!

Here’s my list:

I am thankful that I have a job, and a job that I love 90 percent of the time.

I am thankful that I have the world’s most wonderful roommate who is such a sweetheart and so encouraging.

I am thankful that I have people in my life who love and support me and want to see my “succeed.”

I am thankful that my family loves me and is letting me grow up and figure this whole thing out.

I am thankful that I have this small corner of the internet to share my thoughts and recipes, and that people are actually reading it!

There you have it.  That felt good!

What are you thankful for?  Join the link up!



Weekly Wrap Up

Happy Friday lovelies!

I hope you had a fabulous week, as always!

This was my first full week in my new place and it is almost totally decorated!  My roommate and I have been having so much fun arranging things and making things for our walls and staying up really late talking.  It’s a ton of fun!

We’ve been not only holed up in our apartment, we’ve been exploring our neighborhood as well and we are in love.  It’s so wonderful (and they really like fireworks!)

This is my favorite wall!  My thrifted retro ball cart and a fabulous starburst mirror.  It’s like going to the seventies!

My roomie and I hung up a bunch of embroidery circles (she loves sewing, I love cupcakes).  It’s the easiest, cheapest project and it’s SO cute!

Told you my neighborhood loves fireworks.  We had a block party and at the end of it there were fireworks, great fun!

Isn’t this stop sign awesome?  It’s yellow and is trying to keep you safe!

Strawberry lemonade cupcakes anyone?  Recipe coming soon!

My cute little German girl hairstyle.  Gotta love the braids (I’m a shoe in for a remake of The Sound of Music).

Exciting things are happening here, raspberries, maple syrup, water.

Turned into raspberry syrup and mixed with sparkling water.  Raspberry soda!  Amazing (it was missing a touch of vodka ;)).

So there you have it, a reasonable slow week (only 8 pictures this week, not the usual 15).

